You handle the business
I'll handle the development
Oh Yeah?


Quality code that doesn't suck.

Full Stack

API integration? Application design? System diagnoses? No problem! All realms in the development ecosystem are covered.

Application Design

Strongly modeled, fault tolerant development strategies built in test driven environments.

Mobile Development

Responsive design with graceful degradation to ensure beautiful mobile experience.

Data Integrity

Get front to back coverage and unify your business logic workflow while maintaining data integrity.


Deploy with confidence and ease of mind because your application was developed with security in mind from the very first line.


No need to wait for that email response; you'll be provided with comprehensive reporting tools to get up to date at-a-glance and in depth metrics.


A little of this, a little of that.

ONTRAPalooza App




Crowded Coffin Photography

Website Design




Multi Platform Application


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

  • November 1989

    "Hello World!"

    A loud but adorable little me was born into the world, ready to take on challanges and create memorable experiences.

  • August 2003

    Solid Snake Designs Programming Moderator

    At 13, I was first bit by the code bug when I setup a own online community forum through Proboards, and I wanted it to look cool! Once the ball started rolling, I found myself volunteering my nights at Solid Snake Designs (the premier customization site at the time) as a moderator of the Programming boards, helping others modify and modernize their own forums. It was here that I took the first steps down the long path of software development.

  • July 2004

    Internship at Novacoast Inc.

    My local highschool hosted a job fair where I was introduced to Novacoast Inc., a local product and services company. After winning an iPod shuffle for who ever asked the most estute questions, I asked if they had any positions open. A little over a month of stepping into the real world, it was official, I am a programmer now.

  • Febuary 2006

    The Freelance Market

    After having done some small projects for some family members, I opted to get a taste of this lucritive "freelance market" I kept hearing about. Trying my hand, I started small by first offering a trade to Mesa Communications, a local phone supplier outlet: A free phone upgrade and custom cover for a website. Unexpectedly though, this turned into a month log gig of actually evaluating their architecture and publishing setup and offering guidance on some tools as well as building a new layout to publish in through their PHP based CMS.

  • November 2007 - 2012

    Novacoast Inc.

    While taking a business communications class in collage, I was met with a project that required opening a dialog with a professional and asking them some question. Seeing this as an opportunity, I reopened communications with Adam Gray, the CEO of Novacoast, and after which took a moment to inquire about any open positions. From here, I spent the next 5+ years working on internal, contracted and enterprise systems, and learning how to apply what I learned in collage to real life situations. It was here that I learned most of what I know in both enterprise level software development and fostering a caring, supportive, and open culture in the office.

  • February 2013


    A fast growing upstart, the word about Ontraport had permeated Santa Barbara for a while. Knowing I needed to get a taste of this place, I jumped on ship for the wild ride of a company turning from small to medium size. Being apart of this transition was invaluable to me. There was so much process that is inherently under the hood that it was a huge eye opener and learning experience to see how those pitfalls were identified, researched and then patched with the most tried and true of conventions (with a dash of customization as any self respecting brand would do).

  • Today

Your Hands-on, Multi-Tier Software Developer

Professional and Creative

Once I had gone through the growing pains and childish excitment of helping grow the TumbleCloud startup; having witnessed and be integral in improvements of the midium size company of Ontraport; all the while having my base foundation gained from my experience with a multi national larger company Novacoast; I found that I had traversed a enough ground to be able to fit into almost any niche required with experience that applies to all levels of company size and growth period.

So, I decided to go solo! And here I am now, excited and ready. Each project has been an amazing experience, which both the client and myself got to take something positive away. Now I also get to venture into unkown territories that weren't available to me me before, and broaden my knowledge sphere each time.

Past Employers

The amazing companies who helped shape who I am today.


Software And Product Development


Business Automation Software

Santa Barbara City Collage

Education Facility

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aut eaque, laboriosam veritatis, quos non quis ad perspiciatis, totam corporis ea, alias ut unde.

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